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Home > Medical Services> Physical Examination Center


People-oriented + accurate diagnosis: personalized comprehensive physical examination package, a new iterative upgrade

Saying goodbye to the assembly line physical examination and avoiding the accumulation of items other than the necessary examination are particularly key points in the physical examination service.

The physical examination center of Shanfang Hospital adheres to the principle of people-oriented and accurate diagnosis. Experienced general practitioners carefully ask different patients about their personal health conditions, past medical history, family history and specific diseases, and then conduct disease risk assessment and customize personalized physical examination programs. while

At present, the physical examination center of Shanfang Hospital has upgraded four comprehensive physical examination products based on the recommendations of imaging and laboratory medicine experts and multidisciplinary doctor teams for healthy and sub-healthy people with different diseases. We strive for perfection in physical examination content and service process, and provide patients with professional medical diagnosis with better cost performance.

Medical examination package is preferred

Suitable for: The basic model in the comprehensive physical examination package series, it is the first choice for the healthy and sub-healthy people under the age of 35.

Package highlights:

● Comprehensive coverage of respiratory, digestive, genitourinary, blood, endocrine system and other common problems of the examination and assessment;

● Cover basic screening for high risk factors for CVD and early cancers (given the low overall incidence of CVD and cancer under 35 years of age); For women's health, we should focus on screening breast cancer and cervical cancer, which show a trend of younger female onset age.

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