
Department of Psychiatry

Department of Psychiatry

Department of Psychiatry

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Department of Psychiatry

At Beijing Sanfine International Hospital's Department of Psychology, we pride ourselves on employing a unique and comprehensive approach to mental health care, which we term the "Trinity Intervention Mode." This innovative model is specifically designed to cater to a wide range of mental health needs—spanning from the psychological well-being of healthy individuals and stress relief for those under pressure, to specialized psychological treatments for those battling mental health conditions. Our fundamental philosophy intertwines the holistic medical concept that combines pharmacological treatments, psychological interventions, and rehabilitation efforts to foster a supportive and healing environment for our patients.

Our Approach: The Trinity Intervention Mode

  • Psychological Adjustment for Healthy Individuals: Focusing on the enhancement and maintenance of mental well-being through preventive care and lifestyle adjustments.
  • Decompression for Stressed Individuals:Employing a variety of stress-relief techniques and coping strategies to help individuals manage and mitigate the effects of stress on their daily lives.
  • Psychological Treatment for Affected Individuals: Providing targeted interventions and therapies for those experiencing mental health conditions, ensuring comprehensive care and support.

Comprehensive Mental Health Services

Our Department of Psychology offers a spectrum of mental health services designed to address the diverse needs of our patients at every stage—healthy, sub-healthy, and those with diagnosed conditions. We specialize in treating a broad array of disorders and challenges, including but not limited to:

  • Neurosis: Offering evidence-based therapies for various neurotic disorders, focusing on symptom management and recovery.
  • Emotional Disorders: Providing personalized care for individuals with mood disorders, aiming to cultivate balance and emotional wellness.
  • Schizophrenia (Rehabilitation Period): Supporting recovery and social reintegration through a combination of medical treatment, therapy, and community support.
  • Children's Mental Disorders: Catering to the unique needs of younger patients with tailored interventions that consider their developmental stage.
  • Adolescence: Addressing the particular mental health challenges faced by teenagers, from identity struggles to peer pressure and academic stress.
  • Menopause and Other Psychosomatic Disorders: Supporting individuals during transitional life phases, focusing on holistic well-being that encompasses both mind and body.

Our Mission

The Department of Psychology at Sanfine Hospital is dedicated to alleviating stress and anxiety, accelerating recovery processes, fostering positive emotional growth, and ultimately enhancing resilience. Through our array of professional diagnosis and treatment services, we aim to empower our patients to lead fulfilling lives, notwithstanding the challenges posed by mental health conditions.

Our commitment extends beyond the treatment of mental health disorders; we strive to educate and engage our community in discussions about mental wellness, breaking down stigma, and promoting open dialogue about psychological health. At Sanfine International Hospital, we believe in crafting a happier, healthier life for all through comprehensive, compassionate, and individualized mental health care.

Service Introduction

Psychological Examination and Assessment

  • Identifying specific psychological conditions or stressors.
  • Providing a detailed reference for tailored psychological decompression interventions.
  • Guiding the therapeutic process with evidence-based approaches.

Adolescent Psychological Crisis

  • General psychological distress and weariness.
  • Complex parent-child relationship issues.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders specific to this age group.

Psychological Counseling and Therapy

  • Anxiety and Depression: Tailored therapeutic approaches to mitigate symptoms and improve overall quality of life.
  • Hypochondria: Assisting patients in overcoming fears related to health, promoting rational thinking and peace of mind.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD):Implementing effective strategies to manage and reduce compulsions and obsessions.

Marriage and Relationship Counseling

  • Address and resolve interpersonal conflicts.
  • Enhance communication and understanding between partners.
  • Strengthen emotional connections, fostering a healthier and more supportive relationship dynamic.

Insomnia Conditioning

  • Identify and address the root causes of sleep disturbances.
  • Implement behavioral and cognitive strategies to improve sleep quality.
  • Provide guidance on lifestyle adjustments conducive to better sleep patterns.

Doctor introduction

Department features