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Home > Medical Services> Gastroenterology Center

Expert team

Doctors from the gastroenterology department of well-known first-tier hospitals 

Digestive Endoscopy Center of Beijing Shanfang Hospital is committed to providing patients with comprehensive, professional and safe medical services. Together with a team of doctors including Yu Li, chief physician of Beijing Friendship Hospital, Lin Chunxiang, chief physician of Gastroenterology Department of Peking University International Hospital, Liu Jianxiang, deputy chief physician of gastroenterology Department of Peking University First Hospital, Niu Yinglin, and Lv Fujing, chief physicians of Beijing Youyi Hospital, we have built an international high-level digestive endoscopic surgery center. Combined with the anesthesiology department to carry out painless gastrointestinal endoscopy diagnosis and treatment services, providing patients with one-stop service of routine medical treatment, endoscopic diagnosis, endoscopic treatment, and pathological interpretation.

Featured Service Items


Painless gastroscopy, colonoscopy, total gastrointestinal capsule endoscopy, endoscopic tissue biopsy, and detection of Helicobacter SPP.

Endoscopic TREATMENT

Endoscopic resection of gastric and colonic polyps, endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for early esophageal, gastric and colonic cancer.

Minimally invasive surgery
POEM surgery and minimally invasive treatment of early cancer and precancerous lesions of esophagus, stomach and colon.

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