
Important Info

Important Info

Important Info

2-1. Health check-up information
To ensure the accuracy of your check-up results, please pay attention to the following information:

Diet and life style preparation Before physical examination

3 days before physical examination:

Please take light food, and avoid greasy, high fat and protein foods; avoid alcohol

Avoid medications that affects your liver and kidney function;

Stick to a routine life-style schedule; avoid activities that will cause fatigue or strenuous exercise.

1 day before your health check-up:

Eat no or less fruit, especially fruit with high vitamin C content;

The night before the health check-up:Maintain adequate sleep;

Please refrain from fasting and water from 22:00 the day before the check-up, until the fasting exams are completed.

For patients with chronic diseases

Patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease and hyperlipidemia who need to take medication for a long period of time can take medicine as usual, and take it with a small amount of water.

For patients with diabetes: please have breakfast and take regular medication after the exams that requires fasting; Metformin should be discontinued 48 hours prior to angiography.

For female clients

Please do not wear heavy makeup, so as not to affect the doctor's judgment of the disease; please do not wear jewelry or aglet;

The PAP smear check-up requires at least 3 days after your period;

Unmarried women please inform gynecologist and ultrasound doctor in advance; please do not undergo gynecological examination, or intrauterine ultrasound;

Please avoid sexual intercourse and vaginal lavage for 2 days before the examination;

Mammography can apply to the female who have breast implants, but please inform our radiologist if you do have them.

Cautions for clients with possible pregnancy and confirmed pregnancy:

Clients who have plans for pregnancy (including the male), or are already pregnant, are NOT allowed to do X-ray.

Please consult your gynecologist before performing gynecologic physical examination (PAP smear and vaginal speculum examination).

For male clients

Prostate antigen PSA test for Male patients should be arranged at:

24 hours after ejaculation;

48 hours after a digital rectal examination, cystoscopy or catheterization.

For blood drawing

The best time for blood tests is before 10:00 A.M., otherwise, blood sugar result could be affected by physiological endocrine rhythm, especially for the blood sugar test;

After blood drawing, please press on the puncture area with a Band-Aid for 3-5 minutes; please do not rub or squeeze, to avoid local congestion.

Helicobacter pylori breathing test

Please do not use antibiotics for 4 weeks and do not use proton pump inhibitors, bismuth and other antacids (omeprazole, ranitidine and etc.) for 2 weeks;

Otherwise, please inform our medical staff before your check-up; rescheduling will be arranged.


Routine stool or occult blood test

Please try to take a specimen during the physical examination at the hospital instead of at home;

Vitamin C should be stopped for 5 days before collecting specimens;

Avoid large pieces of food, red meat and vegetables rich in peroxidase for 3-5 days before specimen collection and on the day of specimen collection. (e.g., radishes, horseradish,

artichokes, mushrooms, radishes, broccoli, bean sprouts, apples, oranges, bananas, muskmelon and other melons, grapes).


Other Health Check-up Reminders

Please bring your valid identification and insurance documents (if necessary).

The health check-up package is normally fixed, without any adjustment of the exams. But if you choose an exam other than the package, please communicate with us in advance, and we will arrange a doctor to evaluate and confirm the exams suitable for you.

The health check-up process may take 2 to 4 hours depending on the package. Please complete each exam one by one according to the requirements of the medical staff to avoid missing of any exam. In this way, we will comprehensively understand your physical condition and ensure the integrity of the health check-up report.